Understanding how Monaco’s healthcare system works

The healthcare system in Monaco is considered to be one of the best in the world. The principality has a public healthcare system that is available to all legal residents, as well as several private hospitals and clinics that offer a higher level of care for those who are willing to pay for it.

Residents of Monaco are required to have health insurance, which can be obtained through the public healthcare system or private insurance companies. The public healthcare system covers a wide range of medical services, including general practitioner visits, hospital stays, and specialty care. Private insurance policies may offer additional coverage, such as access to private hospitals and quicker access to certain medical procedures.

Overall, the healthcare system in Monaco is efficient and well-regarded, with a high level of medical care available to all residents.

The Monegasque public healthcare system is similar to the French one. Everyone, including workers and the self-employed (local and foreign), is obliged to contribute to the state-funded healthcare system, called Caisses Sociales de Monaco, or CSM for short.


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How does the public healthcare system work in Monaco?

The public healthcare system is available to all citizens and long-term residents of Monaco who have paid contributions to the country’s social security system.

French and Italian citizens are also entitled to public health care in Monaco, provided they can prove that they have paid regular contributions to their country’s state health care system.

Foreign visitors can receive health treatment in all public hospitals and clinics. However, without state insurance contributions, travelers and expatriates will be obliged to pay all health care expenses arising from the treatment.

Therefore, it is recommended that residents and travelers in the country take out private health insurance to protect themselves against unforeseen expenses.

The Princess Grace Hospital is a public hospital that operates as the largest general hospital in the state, fully equipped with the most modern medical equipment and with a 24-hour emergency service.

Private healthcare system

There are many private practices of independent physicians and specialists serving international and local clients. The facilities, equipment, and staff are financed by the doctors themselves and by private insurance contributions.

Monegasque residents seeking additional coverage and foreigners without employment are advised to take out private medical insurance to cover medical services and fees not paid by the public state system.

But in general, since social security may occasionally fall short of providing adequate coverage, it is always best to supplement public health care coverage with private health insurance with one of the private insurance companies that offer health insurance policies in Monaco.

Which are the main hospitals?

There are several hospitals and medical centers available in Monaco, including:

  • Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace (CHPG)
  • Clinique de Monte-Carlo
  • Clinique du Louvre
  • Clinique Mère et Enfant
  • Hopitaux de Monaco
  • Polyclinique de Monaco

For instance, the Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace (CHPG) is the main public hospital in Monaco and is known for its high-quality care.

Then, in the private sector, the Clinique de Monte-Carlo and the Clinique du Louvre are private hospitals that offer a range of medical services, including surgery, maternity care, and specialized treatment for a variety of medical conditions.

The Polyclinique de Monaco is a private medical center that offers a range of outpatient services, including general practitioner visits, specialist consultations, and diagnostic testing.

Are you thinking of moving to Monaco?

If you are thinking of becoming a tax resident in Monaco, we will be pleased to assist you.

We recommend that you read the report “The definitive guide to living in Monaco”, available for free below.

For any questions, you can contact us without obligation by sending an email to [email protected] or through the contact form.


Picture of Andreu Capmajó
Andreu Capmajó

Tax director

Download the free report

"The definitive guide to living and paying taxes in Monaco"
  • Explanation of the tax framework
  • How to get the residency
  • Tips for living in Monaco

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